Saturday, November 15, 2008

Show a Little Belly.2)Plank with Knee Touch.

Start in the push-up position. Extend your arms so your hands are directly beneath your shoulders. Your legs should be straight, with your weight on the balls of your feet. Keep your abs taut and your body in a straight line.

Pulling your abs in tightly, slowly touch your left knee to the floor. Return your left leg to the starting position, then repeat the move with your right knee. Repeat, alternating sides throughout the exercise.
Make it harder: Support your upper body on your forearms, with your elbows beneath your shoulders and your hands together. Your arms should form a triangle.

Denise Austin is the author of several books including Sculpt Your Body with Balls and Bands and the host of two Lifetime Television fitness programs.

Show a Little Belly.1)Crisscross.

Break out that belly-skimming tankini! This sizzling summer ab workout will tone and tighten your entire midsection in time for your next poolside barbecue.
The crisscross exercise targets both your obliques, the muscles that run down your sides, and your rectus abdominis, the long muscle running from your chest to your hips. The plank move goes a little deeper, firming the transverse abdominis, an underlying muscle that acts as a natural corset around your middle, pulling in your tummy and improving your posture.
And the leg movements in both exercises zero in below the navel. Having had two kids, I know that's an area that can always use some extra help!

Your Toning Program
Do two 30-second sets of each exercise. Work up to 1-minute sets. Keep the movements slow and controlled; rest for 30 to 60 seconds between sets. Do two or three sessions a week. (For best results, do daily sessions; this is safe because you're only lifting your body weight.)
Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Your elbows should be pointing out to the sides. Bend your knees, placing your feet flat on the floor. Contract your abs, and lift both feet off the floor.
Extend your left leg while drawing your right knee toward your chest. At the same time, raise your shoulders off the floor, and bring your left shoulder across your body toward your right knee. Don't pull on your neck. Pause for a moment, then switch sides. Repeat, alternating sides throughout the exercise.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Leaning Plank.

Use the chair and get into a plank position. Take one leg and pull it against your chest, feel your abs. Tnen return it to a start position.
Then pull your leg towards your elbow, then cross it to another elbow. Hold a leg for about 5-10 sec.

(20 times each leg)

Oblique Stretch.

Sit on floor with both legs bent to the left in a comfortable position, right foot by left knee. Hold left shin with left hand, and extend right arm overhead. Look up at right hand as you gently stretch toward the left. Switch sides and repeat.

Seated Twist.

A. Sit on floor with legs in front, knees bent, and feet on floor. Grasp both ends of a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell and extend arms out in front of chest.
B. Lift left leg and, keeping arms straight, contract abs and obliques, twisting to the left and bringing dumbbell down toward floor. Return to start position, then twist to the right. Continue, alternating sides. Do 10

Side Plank Dip.

A. Lie on left side with right foot crossed over left and right hand behind head. Rest left forearm on floor perpendicular to body, elbow under shoulder. Lift hips so legs are off floor, keeping forearm on floor for support.

B. Slowly lower hips to 1 to 2 inches off floor. Do 10 reps. Switch sides and repeat.

Don't: Roll forward or hunch shoulders.


Kneel in front of a fitness ball and place sides of hands on ball, palms facing in. Keeping abs tight, roll ball away from torso, extending arms and lowering hips toward floor. Roll back to starting position. Do 8 to 10 times.
Easier option:Keep hips over knees.

Side Crunch with Ball.

Lie on right side with legs extended, left heel on a fitness ball and right leg just behind the ball. Extend right arm on floor in front of you, left hand behind head. Exhale as you lift head and shoulders, squeezing through side of midsection. As you lift, bend left knee and roll ball in, bringing left knee and left elbow toward each other. Lower to starting position. Do 8 to 10 times, then switch sides.

Heel Tap.

Lie on back with heels on top of a fitness ball and arms at sides, palms down. Lift right heel an inch off ball and trace the curve of the ball with heel, lowering right foot and leg to floor. Keep abs tight and hips and back still. Lightly tap floor with heel and then lift leg back to starting position. Repeat with left leg. Continue alternating legs 18 to 20 times.

Crunch on Ball.

Lie faceup on a fitness ball with knees bent and feet on floor. Mid and lower back should press into ball, and hips should be just off ball. Extend left arm overhead and grasp left elbow with right hand. Then tuck tailbone in and lift hips, feeling lower tummy and buttocks tighten. Exhale as you pull navel in and lift head and torso. Imagine curling the bottom of rib cage and pelvis toward each other. Inhale as you lower, lying all the way back on ball. Do 10 times.

Pilates T-Stand.

A. Sit with legs extended to left side with left foot crossed over right. Place right hand on floor beside right hip; rest left hand on left leg. Inhale and use abdominals to lift right hip off floor, sweeping left arm up toward ceiling.
B. Exhale as you slowly sweep left arm forward, rolling torso toward floor and reaching left hand under body. Feel upper back open up. Then inhale and use abs to unfold and lower to starting position. Do 4 to 5 times and then repeat on opposite side.
Easier option: Bend bottom leg and keep knee on floor.

Tone Your Tummy Type.6)PliƩ Squat with Biceps Curl.

A. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Turn your toes out and heels in. Grasp a pair of dumbbells, keeping your arms straight, with your hands resting in front of your thighs and palms facing out.

B. Bend your knees out to the sides as you drop your tailbone and squat down. At the same time, curl your hands toward your upper arms. Rise and repeat for a total of 10 times.

Tone Your Tummy Type.5)Triceps Toner.

A. Stand with your feet under your hips. Grasp a pair of light hand weights with your elbows bent. Bend your knees and lift your right heel.

B. Step back with your right leg, bringing your legs into a scissors position. Bend your left knee, but keep your right leg extended, allowing your right heel to lift. Lean forward slightly and extend your arms toward the floor. Keeping your arms close to your body, lift them behind you to tone the tops of your arms. Step back to the starting position, alternating between positions A and B 10 times before switching legs.

Tone Your Tummy Type.4)Side Lunge with Overhead Press.

A. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Grasp dumbbells in each hand. Raise your arms, bringing your elbows to shoulder height. Bend your elbows at 90-degree angles. Bend your right knee and squat down, as shown, keeping your left leg extended.

B. Switch sides, bending your left knee and extending your right. As you do so, raise your arms overhead. Alternate sides, completing a total of 7 repetitions on each side.

Tone Your Tummy Type.3)Pushup I.

A. In phase 1, you'll build strength in your upper body and core by doing pushups on your knees. In phase 2, you'll advance to doing them on your toes. For the phase 1 version, kneel and place your palms on the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your head. Lift your feet and shins.
. Bend your elbows out to the sides as you lower your chest to the floor, keeping our abdominals firm and your back flat. Do 3 to 5 repetitions.

Tone Your Tummy Type.2)Deadlift into Double-Arm Row.

A. Stand with your feet under your hips. Grasp a pair of light hand weights, resting your arms at your sides. Bend forward from the hips and extend your arms toward the floor so they end up directly below your shoulders, as shown.

B. Lift your elbows toward the ceiling, keeping your arms close to your ribs. Lower your hands toward the floor, rise to the starting position, and repeat for a total of 10 times.

Tone Your Tummy Type.1)Lunge with Side Chop.

Flatten your belly and shrink your waist in four weeks
This exciting program--based on the latest science of shrinking tummy fat--works for all tummy types. The research is clear: No matter the underlying cause of your tummy fat, you must exercise in order to see real and lasting results.
A. Grasp one dumbbell with both hands. Stand with your feet under your hips. Extend your arms above your right shoulder, holding the dumbbell sideways, as shown.
B. Step back with your right foot, bend both knees at right angles, and bring your arms forward and down over your left knee, as if you were chopping wood. Step back to the starting position as you raise your arms. Repeat for a total of 5 times and then switch sides.

Waist Whittler.

Start: Kneel on an exercise mat or other soft surface. Lean forward and place your forearms slightly more than shoulder width apart on the mat. Clasp your hands together. Bend your knees and cross your feet at the ankles. Draw in your navel and maintain a neutral spine.

Finish: Uncross your feet. Place your toes on the floor. Push back, elevating your lower body and torso so that you're in a plank position. Balance with hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then release. Perform the recommended number of repetitions.
To make the exercise more challenging, lift one foot off the floor while maintaining the same body position. Balancing your feet or forearms on an unstable surface such as an Xerdisc intensifies this exercise as well.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.8)Ab Pike.

Lie faceup with arms at sides. Bend legs so feet are off floor, thighs over hips, and heels near glutes. As you "hollow" abs, straighten legs and lift hips up off floor (shown). Hold for a moment and slowly lower back to start, bringing hips down and bending legs. Perform 10 to 15 reps.
Best Belly-flattening TipsThere's more to a trim tummy than exercise. You need to eat right and ditch the habits that can widen your waistline. The following tips will help.
Go easy on the alcohol They don't call them beer bellies for nothing. Binge drinkers (four-plus drinks in a sitting) have significantly more belly fat than both moderate drinkers and abstainers. If you do imbibe, limit it to no more than one drink a day.
Skip the sugarless gum Two major causes of intestinal gas are swallowing air when you eat and drink and using some artificial sweeteners. When you chew sugarless gum (with the artificial sweetener sorbitol), you get a lot of both. If belly bloat is a problem, spit out the gum.
Stretch your psoas Sitting all day can shorten this hip-flexing muscle that connects your lower back to your upper leg, making it feel nearly impossible to stand up straight for a long, lean appearance. For a posture-improving psoas stretch: Place one knee on a chair seat, and keeping hips straight, press pelvis forward. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg.
Count to 10 Runaway stress can boost belly fat in two ways. It increases levels of cortisol, a hormone that appears to send fat to the tummy, and it can drive you to the cookie jar in search of quick comfort. Find a stress buster that works for you and practice it daily. Some tried-and-true favorites: Walk in the sunshine, take a steamy bath, practice quiet meditation, or listen to music.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.7)Extend 'n' Curl.

Kneel with hands directly beneath shoulders and knees directly beneath hips. Keep back straight and head in line with spine. Simultaneously raise left arm and right leg, extending them in line with back so fingers are pointing straight ahead and toes are pointing back. Then contract abs and draw left elbow and right knee together beneath torso. Extend and repeat. Perform 10 reps, switch arms and legs, and repeat.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.6)Roll and Reach.

Lie faceup with legs bent, knees pulled toward chest, and hands clasping shins. Inhale and "hollow" abs. Exhale as you roll up to a sitting position, balancing on tailbone, and then extend legs down to floor. Bend forward from hips and reach toward toes. Inhale, sit back up, and exhale as you slowly roll back one vertebrae at a time onto floor, keeping legs extended. Return to start position and repeat. Perform 5 to 10 reps.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.5)Kneeling Side Kick.

From a kneeling position, lean to right and place right hand on floor directly beneath shoulder. Extend left leg out to side so it's parallel to floor, foot pointed. Place left hand behind head. Contract abs and bend left leg, pulling knee toward chest. Straighten leg and repeat. Perform 15 to 20 reps. Switch arms and legs and repeat.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.4)T Plank.

Assume a full push-up position with arms extended and hands directly beneath shoulders. Hold for 10 seconds. Rotate body to right, allowing feet to naturally turn onto sides, and extend left arm toward ceiling. Keep hips lifted, so body forms a diagonal T (shown). Hold for 10 seconds. Return to start, and repeat to opposite side. That's 1 rep. Perform 2 or 3 reps.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.3)Double Twist.

Sit on floor with knees bent and hands clasped just above thighs. Keeping back straight, lean back slightly, tighten abs, lift feet off floor, and balance. Rotate upper body to right, bringing hands as close to floor as possible, while simultaneously dropping knees to left (opposite) side (shown). Return to center and repeat. Perform 10 twists to left, then repeat to right.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.2)One-Arm Band Pull.

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hold an exercise band overhead with hands about 18 inches apart. Position right arm overhead, and hold left hand out to side, elbow bent about 90 degrees. Band should be taut. Keeping right arm stable, contract ab and back muscles and pull left arm down until left hand is in line with chest (shown). Hold for a moment, slowly return to start position, and repeat. Perform 15 reps. Then switch sides and repeat. To further engage core muscles, do the move balancing on one foot, then the other.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan.1)Diamond Crunch.

Lie faceup on floor, knees open to sides, soles of feet together. Clasp hands and extend arms over chest. "Hollow" stomach by pulling navel toward spine. Then lift head and shoulders off floor, reaching as far forward as comfortably possible (shown). Hold for a moment, slowly lower to start position, and repeat. Perform 15 to 25 reps.

Breakthrough Belly Flattening Plan. 20-minute workout.

In the endless quest for a flat belly, you've likely done hundreds (if not thousands) of crunches and balanced in plank poses for hours. And let us guess: You still don't have flat abs, right? Well, we have news for you: The latest research shows that it's not your fault. The way most of us have been cued to do crunches just doesn't work. That's the news flash from a recent exercise study that found it's possible to get twice as much belly-flattening muscle activity from every crunch.
"The way most people do crunches doesn't work the rectus abdominis [front abdominal muscle] effectively. That's why you can do thousands and not see much benefit," says abdominal activity researcher Gilbert M. Willett, a physical therapist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.
Testing ways to put more punch in every crunch, Willett and colleagues monitored the muscle activity of 25 people while they did crunches following different sets of instructions, such as pushing the belly out or pulling it in, or no instructions at all.
They found that when testers sucked in their abs before curling off the floor, they generated twice as much muscle activity as when they didn't prep their abs. "They not only worked their front abdominal muscles but also the oblique muscles on the sides, which help you look trimmer through the waist," says Willett.

Fab Ab ReviewThat simple yet potent tip got us thinking: What if we could find the best belly-flattening advice science had to offer and rolled it into one ultraeffective, easy-to-do program? After poring through research and scientific reviews, even we were surprised by all the tricks and tips that can maximize the belly-flattening power of exercise. The result is Prevention's best belly-flattening plan ever. Here are the key elements for going from flab to fab:
Cue before you crunch By prepping your abs, you get more muscle activity out of every move. Before you roll up, pull your navel toward your spine. Keep the abs hollowed throughout the move, imagining your ribs flaring out to the sides. This activates the obliques and makes each rep more effective.
Hit your B-side One recent study revealed that the lats (midback muscles) play an important role in performing core-based activities such as torso twisting and bending, yet they are often overlooked during core-strengthening routines that tend to focus on the abs, obliques, and lower-back muscles alone. "Strong back muscles not only help you function better but also contribute to the overall appearance of your front because they help you stand straighter and balance your body," explains study researcher Wendi Weimar, PhD, an associate professor of biomechanics at Auburn University.
Get off balance Another study found that single arm and leg exercises are good core challengers because your trunk acts like the "middleman," keeping you stable as you move your limbs, says Canadian exercise researcher David Behm, PhD, a professor of human kinetics at Memorial University of Newfoundland. "Better trunk activation results in more toned muscles, which improves the appearance of loose, sagging tummy muscles and provides a slimmer, more compact waistline," he says.
Work the reverse The rectus abdominis is one long continuous muscle running from your ribs to your hips. Though you can't completely isolate the upper (six-pack) region from the lower (belly pooch), you should exercise in a way that fires as many fibers as possible throughout the entire muscle. That means adding leg lift-type crunches to your repertoire. Another University of Nebraska Medical Center study of traditional ab exercises revealed that the "reverse crunch," where you keep your torso down and lift your legs, gets the lower portion of your rectus abdominis buzzing more than traditional crunches alone, and it's equally good at firing the upper abs.

The Flatten Fast PlanUnlike traditional belly-flattening plans, this routine includes all the key elements listed earlier on in this article to target your entire core--front, lower back, midback, and sides--from every angle to sculpt a tight, trim torso. The best part: You won't only look better, you'll feel better, too. "Back problems aren't just from major traumatic events, like picking up heavy objects," says exercise researcher David Behm, PhD. "More frequently, they're from simply moving or flexing with poor posture and a tired, out-of-shape back." A strong core can prevent both.
Do the following 20-minute workout 3 nonconsecutive days a week. Perform two sets of the specified number of reps for each exercise, allowing 1 minute of rest between sets. On days you don't do the routine, keep your body moving with activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling to burn more calories and shed excess belly fat.

Strong Abs Keep You Going.Exercises to help your aching back.

Lower-back aches are a common complaint of distance walkers in early training. To improve your posture, increase your power, and prevent back woes from slowing you down, strengthen the muscles in your abs, back, hips, and butt. Take 12 minutes to do two sets of 8 to 12 reps of these exercises, two or three times a week.

Side Plank with Hip Drop.

Lie on left side with right hand on hip and left arm bent, legs stacked one on top of the other. Pull abs in and raise hips off floor so you're balancing on side of left foot and left arm. Slowly lower hips toward floor, then raise them again. Do one set on each side and then repeat.
One-Leg Press-Out.
Stand with feet together and hands by chest. Shift weight onto left foot, bend right leg so foot is behind you, and raise leg out to side until it is almost hip level (or lower if this is too challenging). For balance, focus on a spot on the floor 8 to 10 feet in front of you. Once you've established balance, slowly straighten right leg, pressing heel out to side. Hold for a second, bend leg in, and press out again. Do one set on each side and then repeat.
One-Leg Squat and Slide.
Stand with feet together, hands on hips. Shift weight onto right foot. Bend right knee and hips as if you were sitting back into a chair, keeping abs tight and weight off left leg the entire time. As you lower, allow left foot to slide out to side. Press into right heel and straighten right leg, sliding left foot back in as you stand up. Do one set, then switch sides and repeat.

The Best & Worst Belly Flatteners.

A drum-tight, sculpted midsection: You probably kissed that goodbye after high school, the babies, or since you took a desk job. But get ready for a reunion.
We won't lie: You do have to eat right and exercise. But we're here to maximize your efforts. Here are the very best moves, products, foods, clothes, and more for flattening your tummy fast. Some even give instant results!

Bad BackBest Exercise: Lying chest raise. This ab-and back-strengthener is great for preventing lower back pain and for rehabilitation after an injury--as long as you have no pain and your doctor has given you the go-ahead.
How it's done: Lie on your stomach, keeping your hips and pelvis flat. With your hands under your chin (or in a pushup position to assist in lifting, if necessary), contract your lower back muscles and lift your chest about 30 to 35 degrees off the floor. Hold, then slowly lower.
Worst Exercise: Crunches with your knees dropped to one side. This twists your spine, and when you lift up, it compresses the vertebrae--a sure recipe for aggravating or creating back pain.
At-Your-DeskBest Exercise: Seated knee lift. This exercise not only tones your abs, but you can do it in a skirt and heels--without getting on the floor, says Willibald Nagler, MD, physiatrist-in-chief at New York Hospital's Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York City.
How it's done: Sit up straight in a firm, armless chair. Grab the chair's edges just in front of your hips. While supporting yourself with your hands, slowly draw your knees up toward your chest while breathing out, keeping your lower back pressed against the chair. Hold, then slowly lower.
Worst Exercise: Reaching for the candy bars in the bottom drawer.
Number of RepsBest: Take this test to find out. Do as many perfect crunches as you can: feet flat, knees bent, elbows out, slow movement (3 seconds up, hold for 1 second, 3 seconds down), your upper back about 3 inches off the ground. If you can do between 1 and 5 perfect crunches, subtract 1 from that number; between 6 and 10, subtract 2; between 11 and 15, subtract 3; and for 16 or more crunches, subtract 4.
This is the number of reps that you should do for each set. (For example, if you can do 10 perfect crunches, you should be doing sets of 8 reps each.) Do three sets, with 60-second breaks in between. Retest yourself regularly to update your workout. Crunches with your legs up or on a decline bench are more difficult, so you may not be able to do as many in the beginning, but that's okay. Do as many as you comfortably can. As your abs get stronger, you'll be able to do more.
Worst: More than 50. And if you're not seeing results from 50 reps, 100 or 200 won't help either! Quality, not quantity, firms your midsection. Ten well-executed crunches are better than 50 sloppy ones. To stay challenged without adding reps, you should switch to a different kind of ab exercise every 6 weeks.

AbsBest Exercise: Legs-up crunch. Keeping your legs on a chair or bed or in the air helps to make a basic crunch more difficult--and more effective. It makes your abs, particularly the upper portion, do all the work because your hip and leg muscles are unable to provide assistance.
How it's done: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your lower legs placed horizontally on top of a chair. Your thighs should be vertical, your hips close to the chair. Curl up slowly, with your upper back about 30 degrees off the floor, and hold. Slowly return to the floor. For a more challenging workout, hold your legs straight up in the air.
Worst Exercise: Fast, old-fashioned situps. These work your hip muscles; your abs do very little. It also doesn't help that you're more likely to use momentum, especially if your arms are straight overhead or pulling on your head, explains Prevention advisor Wayne Westcott, PhD, fitness research director for the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, MA. This move also places lots of stress on the lower back.
WaistlineBest Exercise: Crossover crunch. This exercise hits the obliques, which wrap around your sides and are key to creating a wispy waistline.
How it's done: Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, and place your left ankle on your right knee. Put your hands behind your head, with your elbows pointing out. Slowly raise your right shoulder toward your left knee, lifting your upper back and twisting slightly. Keep your elbow in line with your ear, not in front of you. Don't pull on your head or neck. Hold, then slowly lower. Repeat to the other side.
Worst Exercise: Twists with a broomstick. There's no resistance, so your abs won't get stronger or firmer. The only thing this will do is stretch and warm up your trunk muscles.
Lower BellyBest Exercise: Reverse curl. This move works the lower portion of the abs, targeting that bulge below your belt.
How it's done: Lie on your back and place your hands, palms down, alongside your thighs. Bend your hips and knees to form a 90-degree angle: thighs vertical, lower legs horizontal. Now slowly contract your abdominal muscles, lifting your hips about 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Keep your upper body and arms relaxed. Hold, then slowly lower.
Worst Exercise: Straight leg lift. Your legs and back are doing most of the work, so you'll see few results in your midriff. And this move puts tremendous stress on the lower back, increasing your chances of injury.

Sleeping PositionBest: On your back. Sleeping this way, with a pillow under your knees, prevents your back from arching. Sleeping on your back regularly can prevent back pain, so that you can keep building those abs.
Worst: On your stomach. This position causes your back to arch. Do it for 8 hours every night and you may end up with workout-inhibiting back pain.
FoodsBest: Beans and berries. White beans, blackberries, dried apricots, and winter squash are high-fiber winners, says John Allred, PhD, professor of nutrition in the department of food science and technology at Ohio State University in Columbus. Not only is fiber great for weight loss because it makes you feel full, but it also prevents constipation, which can make your belly look larger. Aim for 25 to 35 grams (g) a day. Note: If you're not used to eating high-fiber foods, increase your intake slowly and spread it throughout the day. Too much, too fast can cause bloating and discomfort.
Worst: Anything eaten in excess. Eating too many calories--whether they're fats, carbohydrates, or proteins--can expand your waistline.
DrinksBest: Ice-cold water. It's calorie-free and fills you up, so you eat less. It can also help flush away premenstrual bloating. Drink it ice chilled, and you'll even burn a few extra calories as your body warms it up.
Worst: Alcohol. Beer and liquor tend to raise levels of cortisol, a hormone that appears to steer fat toward the tummy. You're also more likely to get the munchies when you've been drinking.
SupplementBest: Calcium. This mineral is essential to keep your bones strong and prevent osteoporosis, which can lead to fractures in your spine. Those fractures produce a slumping posture and a protruding belly. (When vertebrae fracture, the spine and abdominal cavity shorten, pushing the stomach outward.)
If you're a woman age 50 or older, shoot for 1,500 milligrams (mg) of calcium a day. For women under 50 and men, the target is 1,000 mg.
Worst: "Fat-burning" pills. These so-called wonder drugs promise a trimmer tummy without any mention of the words "exercise" and "nutrition." Your money would be better spent on a good pair of walking shoes!

SportsBest: Kickboxing, racquetball, swimming (crawl stroke), and tennis (singles). Any type of aerobic exercise will burn off belly fat. But these are rated best because they involve movements--rotating, pulling, and swinging--that use the waist muscles too. And they all burn more than 475 calories an hour.
Worst: Bicycling. For abs, that is! Those muscles are not engaged at all. But you do have calorie burn: Biking at a moderate 12 mph pace burns 544 calories. So if you like it, stick with it--just focus on keeping your abs tight as you ride.
At-Home DevicesBest: Exercise ball. Crunches performed on these soft, bouncy balls (about 53 inches in circumference, inflated) improve upon the basic floor version in two ways. First, your abs work nonstop in order to stabilize you--even between crunches--and the closer together that your feet are, the harder you work. The balancing also helps improve coordination. Second, an exercise ball allows a greater range of movement so you can extend your body beyond horizontal along the ball's curve, making the crunches more challenging.
You can purchase exercise balls for about $20 to $30 at many major sporting goods stores.
Caution: Avoid using an exercise ball if you suffer from lower back problems.
Gym EquipmentBest: Decline bench. This padded bench makes crunches more challenging because, with your upper body lower than your hips, you're working against gravity.
How to use it: Set the decline for no more than 30 degrees or you'll get too much hip flexor involvement. Lie with your knees bent to prevent your legs from helping out. Slowly curl up about 30 degrees off the bench. Hold, then slowly lower.
HabitsBest: Standing and sitting up straight. Slouching forward accentuates your belly. But good posture is an instant belly flattener--and over time, it will become second nature.
Worst: Smoking. Those who puff tend to have larger waistlines than nonsmokers and former smokers. The culprit here seems to be cortisol, the hormone of stress (which may itself be fueling the habit).
If want to hide your tummy fast, these debloating and camouflaging tricks can take an inch or more off your waistline in 12 hours.
Tummy TipsDrink water. Carbonated drinks and those with lots of sugar can blow your belly up like a balloon, says Peter McNally, DO, spokesperson for the American College of Gastroenterology.
Skip the chips. Salt makes you retain water, especially before your period. Processed and canned foods also tend to be high in sodium.
Give your jaw a break. Chewing gum can cause you to swallow excess air.
Get some java "to go." If you're feeling overdue for a bathroom session, studies show that a cup or two of coffee can get things moving.
Shape up underneath. Body shapers, or high-waisted spandex waist nippers and panties, can take off an inch or more. The more spandex (Lycra) they contain, the more control you'll get. Note: Excess bulge can squeeze up and over, so avoid clingy tops, says Jan Larkey, a Pittsburgh-based image consultant and author of Flatter Your Figure (Simon & Schuster, 1992).
Buy the dress that fits now. Forget sizes! No one will see the tag, but if it's too snug around your middle, you might as well yell, "Hey, check out my belly!" Show off your strongest feature to draw attention away from your tummy. Great arms? Go sleeveless. Tina Turner legs? Wear a shorter hemline. Sexy shoulders? Choose thin--or no--straps. If you prefer a dressy suit, choose a long jacket worn over a straight, slim skirt.

No More Flabby Abs.10 minutes to a tighter, flatter belly.

If you think a bare midriff is only for teens, think again. I'm 46, and I plan to wear a tankini this summer. You can, too, with help from these exercises. They'll strengthen and tone the rectus abdominis, the muscle that stretches from your ribs to your hips, and the obliques, the muscles that run down the sides of your torso. Do two sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, with a 1-minute break in between. Aim for two or three workouts a week, resting a day between sessions, and you'll stand taller and look slimmer by Memorial Day.

Hip Lift

Lie on your back with your arms by your sides, palms facing up. Raise your legs so they are straight up toward the ceiling and perpendicular to your torso.
Pull your navel toward your spine and lift your hips a few inches off the floor, keeping your legs pointed straight up. Then slowly lower your hips back to the floor.
Torso Twist

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat, about hip-width apart. Extend your arms straight in front of you, and lace your fingers. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lean back about 45 degrees toward the floor.
With your abs taut, rotate your torso toward the right as far as comfortably possible. Be sure to move your upper body (head, shoulders, arms, chest, and abs) in unison; don't lead with your arms. You should be looking in the same direction your hands are pointing throughout the move. Hold, then return to center and twist to the opposite side. That's one rep.

The Slim-Down Shimmy.7)Sliding Snake Arms.

Stand tall with feet almost hip-width apart, arms lifted out to sides. While keeping abs contracted and hips still, reach left arm to side, rolling shoulder up, and slide rib cage to left, letting right arm and shoulder dip. As you slide to right, roll left shoulder back and down, and reach right arm to side, rolling right shoulder up. Then slide rib cage back to left, rolling the right shoulder back and down. Imagine a string pulling shoulder and rib cage to the side so that they separate from hips. Continue side-to-side, making one smooth movement for 30 seconds.
Cool Fact Sliding Snake Arms is a key move that belly dancers use when performing in costume.
Belly BasicsSets and Sessions Do the entire routine once, then repeat all but the warm-up move. The workout should take about 15 minutes.
Results Do these moves 5 days a week and you should begin to see a toned and trimmer belly in about a month.

The Slim-Down Shimmy.6)Hip Circles.

Stand tall with feet a few inches apart, hands hovering beside hips. While keeping abs tight and rib cage still, slide both hips to left, back, right, and then front, making a circle. Continue for 30 seconds, contracting abs tightly at end of each circle. Repeat, circling to right.

The Slim-Down Shimmy.5)Roll-Ups.

A.Lie on back with legs straight, arms resting overhead. Inhale and raise arms directly over chest. Then tuck chin slightly and exhale as you curl head, shoulders, and back off floor one vertebra at a time, like picking up a strand of pearls.
B. Reach arms forward as you come to a sitting position. Inhale and pause. Exhale and slowly roll back to starting position. Do 10 reps. For extra toning, hold light hand weights (no more than 5 pounds). Skip the weights if you have back problems.

The Slim-Down Shimmy.4)Modified Scissors.

Lie on back. Extend right leg toward ceiling, toes pointed. Pull belly button toward spine without pressing spine to floor so you maintain a natural curve. Curl head and shoulders off floor, grasping right thigh with both hands. Raise left leg 2 to 6 inches off floor, toes pointed. (If you have a bad back, keep left leg on floor and bend right leg so knee points toward ceiling.) Inhale and pause. Exhale and switch legs. Continue alternating legs for 10 to 15 reps.

The Slim-Down Shimmy.3)Single-Leg Stretch.

Lie on back, bend right knee toward chest and grasp right thigh with both hands. Pull belly button toward spine without pressing spine to floor so you maintain a natural curve. Extend left leg at a 45-degree angle to floor, toes pointed. (If you have a bad back, slightly bend left knee instead of keeping it straight.) Curl head and shoulders off floor. Inhale and pause. Exhale and switch legs. Alternate legs for 10 to 15 reps.