Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Belly All-Around. 1)1. Controlled Static Curl.

Workout at a Glance
What To Do
Perform the moves in the order listed. Hold each for 10 seconds, bracing your abs (as though a ball were going to hit you in the stomach), but don't hold your breath. Repeat 4 to 8 times. Try the Main Move first. If it's too difficult, do the Make It Easier option. When you can complete 8 reps of the Main Move with ease, progress to the Make It Harder version. Do this 15-minute routine once a day, at least an hour after you wake up, so your muscles are warm.

For Faster Results
Do 30 minutes of cardio, such as walking, jogging, or cycling, most days, with 1 long, 60- to 90-minute workout each week.
1. Controlled Static CurlLie with Right knee bent, foot flat on floor, left leg extended, hands under lower back. Lift elbows and inhale deeply. As you exhale, contract abs and curl head, neck, and shoulders to raise shoulder blades a few inches off floor. Hold and lower, including elbows. Do all reps, then switch legs.

Make it easier Simply brace abs, hold, then release, keeping head on floor.Make it harder Lift extended leg a few inches off floor and hold as you raise and lower upper body. Switch legs and repeat.

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