Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Slim-Down Shimmy.7)Sliding Snake Arms.

Stand tall with feet almost hip-width apart, arms lifted out to sides. While keeping abs contracted and hips still, reach left arm to side, rolling shoulder up, and slide rib cage to left, letting right arm and shoulder dip. As you slide to right, roll left shoulder back and down, and reach right arm to side, rolling right shoulder up. Then slide rib cage back to left, rolling the right shoulder back and down. Imagine a string pulling shoulder and rib cage to the side so that they separate from hips. Continue side-to-side, making one smooth movement for 30 seconds.
Cool Fact Sliding Snake Arms is a key move that belly dancers use when performing in costume.
Belly BasicsSets and Sessions Do the entire routine once, then repeat all but the warm-up move. The workout should take about 15 minutes.
Results Do these moves 5 days a week and you should begin to see a toned and trimmer belly in about a month.

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