Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Belly All-Around. 3)One-Legged Squat.

3. One-Legged SquatStand with right leg extended behind you, toes on floor. Hold arms out to sides at shoulder height. With abs contracted, bend left knee about 45 degrees, hinging forward a bit from hips, and slide right leg back as arms press forward, palms facing in. (Keep left knee behind toes.) Lift right leg slightly (1 to 2 inches, as pictured) and hold. Straighten left leg to stand, returning right leg to start and pressing arms back out to sides. Do all reps, then switch legs.

Make it easier Keep back toe on floor throughout move.Make it harder Raise right leg higher (3 to 6 inches) when you extend it behind you, and keep it lifted throughout the entire move.

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