Saturday, November 15, 2008

Show a Little Belly.1)Crisscross.

Break out that belly-skimming tankini! This sizzling summer ab workout will tone and tighten your entire midsection in time for your next poolside barbecue.
The crisscross exercise targets both your obliques, the muscles that run down your sides, and your rectus abdominis, the long muscle running from your chest to your hips. The plank move goes a little deeper, firming the transverse abdominis, an underlying muscle that acts as a natural corset around your middle, pulling in your tummy and improving your posture.
And the leg movements in both exercises zero in below the navel. Having had two kids, I know that's an area that can always use some extra help!

Your Toning Program
Do two 30-second sets of each exercise. Work up to 1-minute sets. Keep the movements slow and controlled; rest for 30 to 60 seconds between sets. Do two or three sessions a week. (For best results, do daily sessions; this is safe because you're only lifting your body weight.)
Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Your elbows should be pointing out to the sides. Bend your knees, placing your feet flat on the floor. Contract your abs, and lift both feet off the floor.
Extend your left leg while drawing your right knee toward your chest. At the same time, raise your shoulders off the floor, and bring your left shoulder across your body toward your right knee. Don't pull on your neck. Pause for a moment, then switch sides. Repeat, alternating sides throughout the exercise.

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